Carnarvon Ball Club Softball Program Waitlist Selection Policy

Welcome to the Carnarvon Ball Club! We are committed to providing a fair and transparent process for player selection from our waitlist. This policy is designed to ensure a clear understanding of how players are prioritized for selection in our softball program. Please note that the following guidelines apply to situations where demand exceeds available spots on our teams.

  1. Priority for Children of Club Volunteers: We deeply value the contributions of our volunteers, whose efforts are vital to the success and operation of our club. As a token of our appreciation, children of parents who have volunteered for the club, including roles such as coaching, serving on the board, or other volunteer capacities, will be given top priority in the waitlist selection process.
  2. Preference for Past Carnarvon Players: We recognize the loyalty and dedication of players who have previously been part of our club. Therefore, past players of the Carnarvon Ball Club will be given subsequent priority in the selection process, following the children of our volunteers.
  3. Registration Order for Remaining Spots: After prioritizing the above-mentioned groups, if additional player spots are still available, selection will be based on the order in which players registered on the waitlist. This ensures fairness to all those who have expressed interest in joining our softball program.

We strive to accommodate as many players as possible, but please be aware that availability is often limited by factors such as team size regulations and coaching resources. Our selection policy is designed to recognize and reward commitment to our club, while also upholding a fair and equitable process for all potential players.

If you have any questions or need further clarification about this policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your interest in the Carnarvon Ball Club's softball program. We look forward to another exciting and successful season!