Carnarvon Ball Club: Softball Team Formation Policy

Welcome to the Carnarvon Ball Club! We are dedicated to fostering a positive and competitive environment for all our softball players. Our team formation policies are designed to create the best experience for both recreational and competitive (rep) players. Hereโ€™s how we approach team formation:

For Recreation Teams

  1. Friend Requests and Groups: We understand the importance of playing with friends. Hence, we will try our best to honor friend requests and friend groups when forming teams.
  2. Team Continuity: If possible, we will form teams based on players' birth years. This encourages consistency and allows teams to grow together over time.
  3. Maintaining Team Cohesion: We aim to keep teams together, particularly if the coaching staff remains consistent. This helps in maintaining a strong team bond and a sense of continuity.
  4. Coach's Discretion: Coaches are given significant freedom in selecting their teams. This allows them to build teams based on a mix of skills, camaraderie, and potential.
  5. Priority Registration: Existing Carnarvon Softball families will be given a 24-hour priority window for registration before we open it up to the public.

For Rep (Competitive) Teams

  1. Transparent Tryouts: Coaches must conduct transparent tryouts for team selection. If a limited number of players sign up, the coach has the discretion to choose these players without a formal tryout process.
  2. Top Player Selection: Coaches are encouraged to select the top 6-8 players from the tryouts, based on their performance and skills.
  3. Coach's Choice for Remaining Slots: For the next 4-6 players, coaches can use their judgment based on past performance, potential, and other intangibles.
  4. Underage Player Consideration: Exceptionally talented underage players are eligible for selection. However, if they are not among the top 6 players, they are encouraged to play within their age group for better development.
  5. Final Decision: The coach has the final say in roster construction, ensuring the best possible team composition for competitive play.

We believe these policies provide a fair and enjoyable experience for all players and help in the development of their skills and love for the game. Here's to a great season at Carnarvon Ball Club! ๐ŸฅŽ๐ŸŽ‰