Coach Training

Coaching in youth sports is an occupation that is most often done in a public fishbowl. In other words, if you coach, then you are in a highly visible position that continually exposes you to the public's scrutiny and evaluation. It's one of those professions where the general public regularly weighs in on what kind of a job they think you're doing whether you want their evaluation or not. With these pressures, most people don't "step up to the plate" but for those of you that love the game, love teaching it and just want to pass on that love for the game to a new generation...we thank you! Your dedication to the kids and to our program is greatly appreciated.

What qualifications do I need to coach at each division? Click here!


A recently released update to how Baseball Canada will administer the NCCP Qualifications will be taking effect January 1st, 2021. The aim is to deliver more age specific material to coaches as they all requiring varying levels of skill. They will also be delivering certain programs virtually to make the accessibility to all potential coaches that much easier. Even if you are already familiar with the NCCP program it can't hurt to take a look at the changes.


Carnarvon Baseball wants to support our members in becoming better coaches. We highly encourage those that would like to be a Head Coach, Assistant Coach or even those "always at practice willing to help on field" kind of individual to take at least the basic NCCP credentials. It will provide many good tools for you and the kids so both will benefit.

DID YOU KNOW... Carnarvon reimburses NCCP training fees for those registered individuals who successfully complete the programs.

If you have any questions with regards to coaching please contact our GM, Marty Hall at