Vikes Girls Summer Softball Camp
The Vikes Softball Kids Summer Camp registration is now OPEN. It is the week of August 14 when Vikes players are in town to train. There are full day or half day options available.
The camp offers age appropriate skills, drills, and learn how to play all positions in a fun and challenging environment coached by current and former Vikes women softball players! Participants will warm up, run bases, field, throw, and hit. They will develop their skills at their own pace while they learn correct footwork, body mechanics, sport specific techniques, as well as game strategies and tactics. Participants require their own glove and batting helmet with cage to participate. Everyone will receive a Vikes camp souvenir and a softball hair bow.
For the full day option, we include a swim afternoon, walks, arts and crafts, play other games etc to break up the day.
9-13 years:
14-16 years:
If you need before and after care you can also register for that through the Vikes Camps (7:30/8-9am; 4-5/5:30pm).