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Criminal Record Checks (CRCs)

Attention Coaches!

Please be aware that it is Carnarvon Ball Club policy to require a completed criminal record check (CRC) prior to coaching or assisting a team for practice or any on-field play.

Online CRC process:
The online system is easy and takes very little time and effort, but please apply as soon as possible as it takes between 3-4 weeks to process. BE SURE TO MAKE A NOTE OF THE CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK CONFIRMATION CODE GIVEN TO YOU AT THE END OF YOUR ONLINE REQUEST. YOU WILL NEED TO PROVIDE THIS CODE TO CARNARVON AS PROOF THAT YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR YOUR CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK.  Click or copy/paste this link:

  1. Enter access code: YSM63KLQXE
  2. Follow the prompts to complete all of the necessary information.
  3. Your completed CRC will be sent to the Carnarvon Ball Club directly.

In-person CRC process:
To complete your Criminal Record Check in person, please download the Carnarvon CRC Request Letter available here:


Once you have filled out the letter, please take it to your local Police Department (Oak Bay Police Department is located at 1703 Monterey Avenue) to confirm you will be volunteering on behalf of the Carnarvon Ball Club.  You are required to complete the necessary CRC paperwork at the police station (bring identification), after which you will be contacted after approximately 2 weeks to pick up your completed CRC. Upon receipt, please return it to your Division Coordinator AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.Carnarvon Ball Club appreciates your cooperation and understanding in completing this process for our players' safety.