Hello Carnarvon Families,

Have you ever watched your child’s ball game and looked at the scoreboard and wondered what exactly the score is? What is the inning? How many outs?

This year the sponsorship team is launching a new initiative to replace scoreboards at Firefighters Park and Allenby Park!

We have recently been approved by Oak Bay municipality to hang sponsorship signs at our Oak Bay parks. With that in mind, we are sharing the attached proposal with you in the hopes that a company that you know may want to purchase a sign (or more!) that would hang in one (or more!) of our parks to advertise your company. All funds raised would go towards replacement scoreboards at our parks.

Also, note these signs are going to be 6 feet long and priced about 90% better than an outfield sign at the Victoria Harbourcats field!

For more information, e-mail carnarvonballsponsorship@gmail.com.

See the following attachment for details:
