15U Baseball
Age Requirements:
15U is for players born in 2010 and 2011.
This division is tiered with both A and AA teams playing an interlocked season with the other Greater Victoria Baseball Association parks leading to the City Championships. Both tiers interlock with up-island teams as well. Base paths are 80' and metal cleats are allowed.
We anticipate having 3 teams in the A division. The season will start at the beginning of April and run to the end of June, with play-offs starting mid-June. You can expect your team to be on the field 3x per week; two practices and one game.
Games will be played not only at Carnarvon Park but also at other fields in the Greater Victoria area, including Lambrick Park, Triangle, Peninsula, and Layritz. As a result, game slots and frequency will not be consistent every week. Coaches will select game slots at a pre-season scheduling meeting and will inform families once the teams have been selected.
Important dates:
15U AA Team and Fees:
If your player is interested in trying out for the 15U AA Team, please email the VP of Senior Baseball at carnarvonvpseniorbaseball@gmail.com.
This team plays in a full season league running from April until early August with weekend tournaments on and off the Island.
NOTE: If you are interested in coaching the 15U AA Team, please complete the 13UAA/15UAA Manager Application Form under Baseball Forms under the Resources Tab on the Carnarvon Ball Club Website and email it to carnarvonvpseniorbaseball@gmail.com
If your player is selected to play on the AA team, a new registration fee will be generated and sent to you by email (from our online store) for registration of your player on the AA team. These fees will cover additional costs incurred for a full season for field usage, umpires, and premium uniforms.
Field Prep:
Near the start of the season, we will have our annual pre-season field preparation day. The more hands available to help, the more efficiently the work will get done.
The league is run entirely by volunteers, coaches included! It is our goal to have a minimum of 2 coaches per team with 2 parent helpers (to help out at practices and games) and 1 Team Business Manager (to send email communications on behalf of the coaches) for each team at this level.
Each team will ultimately determine how they would like to structure their coaching staff, but the following is a rough guideline of what is entailed with each role:
Head Coach/Manager (1):
- Must submit a criminal record check prior to the start of the season. Follow these instructions.
- Must complete an online NCCP Level 1 coaching certification (cost to be reimbursed by the association): http://nccp.baseball.ca/register.php
- Attend every practice and game, as well as the pre-season coaches meeting.
- Organize practices, drills
- Determine team line-ups for games
- Have a thorough understanding of the divisional rules
- Liaise with umpires
- Send team communications
Assistant Coach (1):
- Must submit a criminal record check prior to the start of the season Follow these instructions.
- Must complete an online NCCP Level 1 coaching certification (cost to be reimbursed by the association): http://nccp.baseball.ca/register.php
- Attend every practice and game
- Assist with practices, drills
- Run warm-ups
- Base coaching and/or running the pitching machine
Team Business Manager (1):
- Organize team volunteers for field prep and score-keeping
- Liaise with Head Coach/Manager for team communication
- Collect player availability for practices and games
Parent Helper (2):
- This is not an official coaching role, does not require a criminal record check and you will not get the glory of wearing a coaches shirt...but you will be greatly appreciated by parents, kids and coaches.
- Involves bringing your glove and helping out at all practices and games.
Parent involvement:
ALL families are required to assist with team duties. These duties consist of score-keeping, field prep at ALL regular season home games in addition to concession duties. Don't worry! We will provide training opportunities for these duties, so no advanced experience is required.